Tag: Hitler

‘I never knew that Hitler said it’

WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump on Friday defended his recent remarks about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of America, saying he never knew it was language used by Adolf Hitler. Trump’s assertion that he didn’t know Hitler used similar phrasing in his manifesto, “Mein Kampf,” came after the former president made the comments last weekend, […]

Trump Insists He’s ‘Not A Student Of Hitler’ While Defending ‘Poisoning The Blood’ Comments About Immigrants

Former President Donald Trump again defended his claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood,” insisting his remarks were not racist, and denying comparisons to rhetoric used by Adolf Hitler. In an interview Friday with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination said he knows “nothing about Hitler.” “I’m not […]

Trump doubles down on immigration comments amid Hitler comparisons

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday night denied he was inspired by Hitler while repeating his comments that immigrants were “destroying the blood of our country” — despite coming under intense fire for similar remarks over the weekend. “They’re destroying the blood of our country. That’s what they’re doing — they’re destroying our country,” Trump […]

The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt

Any time people start fighting on the internet, someone will inevitably reach for the Hitler comparison. It’s a virtually unbreakable rule known as “Godwin’s law,” named after Mike Godwin, an early internet enthusiast who coined it back in 1990. It’s also understood that often the party mentioning Hitler or the Nazis is losing the argument, […]