Tag: highlighted

Swiss Foreign-Worker Reliance Highlighted Amid Immigration Fight

(Bloomberg) — Swiss businesses have benefited from being able to easily tap foreign workers, according to a government report published amid political fighting over immigration and free movement of people from the European Union. Most Read from Bloomberg A record number of people — a net 142,300 — immigrated to Switzerland last year, the State […]

Trump Has Long Prized Certain Tactics. His Trial Has Highlighted Them.

There are few distractions in the courtroom while Donald Trump’s criminal trial is in session. Lawyers and witnesses talk. Onlookers are tense and silent. And a squadron of armed court officers and Secret Service agents guards the room. But as Michael Cohen explained this week why he had broken with his former boss in 2018, […]

Digitalisation and sustainability highlighted as key areas for upskilling

The majority of Irish businesses believe their workforce will require upskilling to remain competitive and navigate modern challenges, a survey has found. The research, conducted by Ipsos Behaviour & Attitudes for Skillnet Ireland, found most businesses feel workers will particularly require upskilling in the areas of sustainability and digitalisation. Over the 500 business leaders surveyed, […]

2023 successes highlighted in Orrville mayor’s State of City address

Orrville’s new mayor delivered his first State of the City at Monday’s council meeting, and started by thanking previous mayors, city directors and the police and fire departments for their contributions. Matt Plybon noted the Orrville Fire Department reduced response time from 7 minutes 22 seconds to 3 minutes 36 seconds. The transition came after […]