Tag: HighIncome

401(k) company matches are mostly helping high-income workers

The 401(k) is now the most popular type of retirement plan, with many employers providing a company match when workers sock away money in their accounts. But these matches — often shorthanded as “free money” from your company— may exacerbate inequality in retirement, new research finds. About 44% of employer matches are directed toward the […]

The IRS Is Cracking Down on These High-Income Earners. Are You One of Them?

The IRS building in Washington D.C. The IRS recently announced a major tax enforcement initiative that will increase scrutiny on high-income earners, partnerships and people with foreign bank accounts. The agency said the effort would “restore fairness to [the] tax system” by focusing on wealthy taxpayers who have seen sharp declines in audit rates over […]

You’ll Never Guess How Much High-Income Earners Have Saved For Retirement

A senior woman comparing how much she has saved for retirement against other savers in her age group. If you’ve got more money, you’ve got more retirement options. High-income earners have substantial resources at their disposal, presenting the potential for massive gains and crushing losses. However, practical strategies and careful financial decisions can help you […]