Tag: hiding

Hungarian President resigns over pardon for man convicted of hiding child abuse

Hungary’s conservative President has resigned amid a public outcry over a pardon she granted to a man convicted as an accomplice in a child sexual abuse case. The decision by Katalin Novak unleashed an unprecedented political scandal for the long-serving nationalist government. Ms Novak, 46, announced in a televised message on Saturday that she would […]

Family finds crocodile hiding out in chicken coop

Jan. 9 (UPI) — Wildlife officers in Queensland, Australia, responded to a home where residents made a surprising discovery in their chicken coop: a crocodile. The Queensland Department of Environment, Science and Innovation said wildlife officers were dispatched to a home in Cape Hillsborough, north of Mackay, on Monday when residents spotted what they initially […]

Justice Dept. accuses 2 political operatives of hiding foreign lobbying during Trump administration

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two well-connected political consultants provided false information about lobbying work on behalf of a wealthy Persian Gulf country during the Trump administration, according to Justice Department court records unsealed Tuesday. Charging documents filed in federal court in Washington allege that Barry P. Bennett, an adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, spearheaded […]

There’s A Relic Runway From America’s Failed Supersonic Future Hiding In The Everglades

Supersonic airliners never became as common as airlines and government officials hoped. When supersonic flight was set to transform passenger air travel in the late 1960s, Miami-Dade County had grand ambitions of becoming the center of commercial aviation’s fledgling intercontinental network. Local government wanted to construct the world’s largest airport in the middle of Everglades, […]

Trump is hiding his fascist plans in plain sight

Watching cable news is a frequent source of despair, but one especially fraught spiral occurred Monday while subjecting myself to “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. The segment guest was Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of the Atlantic, who was promoting his magazine’s thorough, frightening and entirely accurate warning that Donald Trump’s goal is to end American democracy […]