Tag: heavylift

Russia blasts new heavy-lift rocket into space after two aborted launches

Russia has successfully test-launched a new heavy-lift rocket from its Far Eastern space complex, a lift-off that comes after two aborted attempts earlier this week. The first attempt to launch the Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny spaceport on Tuesday was cancelled about two minutes before the scheduled lift-off due to a failure of the pressurisation […]

Russia aborts second attempt to launch a heavy-lift rocket from Far East

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia failed for a second straight day Wednesday to test-launch a new heavy-lift rocket from its Far Eastern space complex. Officials have scheduled a further launch attempt for Thursday. The first attempt to launch the Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny spaceport on Tuesday was canceled about two minutes before the scheduled liftoff […]

Russia’s second attempt to launch new heavy-lift rocket is aborted

Russia’s second attempt to test-launch a new heavy-lift rocket from its Far Eastern space complex has been aborted. The launch of the Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny spaceport was cancelled about two minutes before its planned time on Wednesday. State news agency RIA-Novosti said the cause was a failure of the pressurisation system for the […]

Russia aborts planned test launch of new heavy-lift space rocket

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian space officials on Tuesday aborted the test launch of a new heavy-lift rocket from its far-eastern launch pad. The Angara-A5 rocket was scheduled to lift off from the Vostochny space launch facility at 0900 GMT Tuesday, but the launch was aborted two minutes before. Yuri Borisov, head of Roscosmos state space […]

Russia aborts planned test launch of new heavy-lift space rocket

Russian space officials have aborted the test launch of a new heavy-lift rocket from its far-eastern launch pad. The Angara-A5 rocket was scheduled to lift off from the Vostochny space launch facility at 9am Irish time on Tuesday, but the launch was aborted moments before. No reason was given and no new time for the […]

Russia aborts planned test launch of new heavy-lift space rocket

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian space officials on Tuesday aborted the test launch of a new heavy-lift rocket from its far-eastern launch pad. The Angara-A5 rocket was scheduled to lift off from the Vostochny space launch facility at 0900 GMT Tuesday, but the launch was aborted moments before. No reason was given and no new time […]