Tag: Heavier

Pittsburgh seeing heavier rainfall more frequently

Raining in buckets. At least it seems like it much of this year. We’ve already seen five days this year with more than an inch of rain, and it’s not even the end of May. Heavy rain days are becoming more common over the past 30 years with Pittsburgh averaging nearly seven days a year […]

Winter storm rainfall ‘made 20% heavier by climate change’

Downpours in the storms which battered Ireland and the UK last autumn and winter were made around 20 per cent heavier by climate change, scientists have said. A rapid attribution study has assessed the role of rising temperatures in the storms and heavy rain which led to at least 13 deaths and widespread damage across […]

Study says it’s likely a warmer world made deadly Dubai downpours heavier

Circumstantial evidence points to climate change as worsening the deadly deluge that just flooded Dubai and other parts of the Persian Gulf, but scientists didn’t discover the definitive fingerprints of greenhouse gas-triggered warming they have seen in other extreme weather events, a new report found. Between 10% and 40% more rain fell in just one […]

Push for heavier trucks raises concerns for road, bridge infrastructure

Congress is contemplating increasing truck weights to 91,000 pounds from the current national standard of 80,000 pounds. As mayor of Kentwood and a professional engineer, I am deeply concerned about the surge in heavier trucks that would likely reduce the service life of the country’s already crumbling infrastructure if proposed legislation like H.R. 3372 passes. […]