Tag: harm

US vows new sanctions over Houthi attacks will minimise harm to needy in Yemen

The US has put Yemen’s Houthis rebels back on its list of designated global terrorists, piling financial sanctions on top of military strikes in the Biden administration’s latest attempt to stop the militants’ attacks on global shipping. Officials said they would design the financial penalties to minimise harm to Yemen’s 32 million people, who are […]

Kyiv air quality drops after Russian shelling, UA wants $60 billion from Russia for ecological harm

There has been a noticeable decline in air quality in the capital following Russia’s most recent shelling and Ukraine intends to hold Russia accountable for environmental damage, Presidential Office head Andriy Yermak reported. “Following Russia’s latest attack, the air quality in Kyiv has deteriorated significantly due to high concentrations of combustion products, chemicals, and dust,” […]