Tag: happiest

The Experiences That Make People Happiest

We may be creatures of habit but research suggests that the best way to boost our everyday happiness is to shake up our routine. According to a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, we feel happier when we have more variety in our daily lives. The researchers found that regularly going to novel places […]

Colorado small town named one of the 10 happiest in America

DENVER (KDVR) — While happiness can be subjective, a small town surrounded by gorgeous Colorado scenery might not be a bad place to look for it. This might be why Silverton, Colorado, was recently featured on a list of happiest small towns in America by adventure website The Travel. The tragic history and closure of […]

I lived in Finland for 3 years. Even as an international student, I got a taste of why it’s the happiest country in the world.

Finland has been dubbed the world’s happiest country for six consecutive years by the World Happiness Report. But happiness in Finland doesn’t mean everyone is smiling from ear to ear or that there’s a carnival atmosphere on every street. The Nordic nation enjoys policy-based happiness from high-quality democracy and supportive public institutions. While living in […]

Finnish people may be some of the happiest in the world but they also have several unusual traditions. Here are 5 surprising facts about the world’s happiest country.

Finland has been ranked the world’s happiest country for the last six years. The country benefits from high levels of social trust and a strong connection with nature. But the Finnish also have several unusual traditions and social norms. Finland is known for being the happiest country in the world, but there’s a lot more […]