Tag: Guatemalan

Guatemalan president fires minister over daughter’s use of public funds

By Sofia Menchu GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) – Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo on Sunday dismissed his minister of environment and natural resources, fewer than 100 days into his term, to “avoid any doubt” over the integrity of his government, a statement said. Arevalo won the presidential elections in August by a landslide after a campaign that […]

U.S. restricts visas to Guatemalan leaders for ‘undermining democracy’

MIAMI — The Biden administration announced on Monday that it has imposed visa restrictions on nearly 300 Guatemalan lawmakers, private sector leaders and their families it accuses of “undermining democracy and the rule of law.” Guatemala faces mounting criticism by world leaders and watchdogs accusing it of attempts to block progressive President-elect Bernardo Arévalo from taking office […]