Tag: gross

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Says Donald Trump’s ‘Creepy’, ‘Gross’ Attitude To Women Points To 1 Thing

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki slammed former President Donald Trump’s attitude to women as “creepy,” “sexualized” and “demeaning.” “It’s completely disgusting,” added the former Biden White House press secretary. “And also it shows not only Donald Trump’s view of women, which is gross, but his instability.” Psaki’s comments came on Thursday’s episode of MSNBC’s online show “Morning […]

‘Bond King’ Bill Gross warns investors to be cautious as markets are looking dangerous

Bill Gross.REUTERS/Jason Reed Bill Gross has warned investors to tread carefully in today’s treacherous market. The billionaire “Bond King” said they shouldn’t cash out but should avoid the riskiest assets. Gross argued that asset values increasingly reflect “new fundamentals” like Fed policy and momentum. Investors should exercise caution in today’s perilous market, Bill Gross has […]

Bill Gross Casts Shade on Treasuries, Sees 10-Year ‘Overvalued’ at 4%

(Bloomberg) — Fresh from getting a big call right on yields toward the end of last year, former bond king Bill Gross just signaled he is now steering clear of Treasuries. Most Read from Bloomberg Ten-year US debt is “overvalued,” with similar-dated Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities at a 1.80% yield the better choice if one needs […]