Tag: greed

Think corporate greed is the leading cause of inflation? Think again

Some progressives have frequently blamed corporate greed for fueling the high cost of living that Americans are fed up with. Yet new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco casts doubt on the greedflation theory. Economists at the SF Fed found that corporate price gouging was not a primary catalyst for the inflation […]

Corporate greed not to blame for price pressures, Fed study shows

(Reuters) – Corporate price gouging has not been a primary driver of U.S. inflation, according to research published on Monday by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. While markups for motor vehicles and petroleum products did rise sharply during the 2021-2022 inflation surge, markups across the entire spectrum of U.S. goods and […]

A new mom died after giving birth. Was corporate greed to blame?

Nabil Haque said he can still remember the moment his wife Sungida Rashid first held their baby daughter in her arms after giving birth at Boston’s St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center last October. “It was a beautiful moment,” Haque told CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook, in his first television interview. “I wasn’t expecting […]

An immediate pullback could hit Nvidia’s stock with its meteoric rise spurring ‘fear and greed,’ Bank of America says

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang.Sam Yeh/AFP/Getty Images Nvidia’s stock could pull back as much as 11% after earnings, Bank of America’s Vivek Arya wrote. But this volatility will be short-lived, mainly driven by over-bullishness and not fundamentals. The upcoming GPU Tech Conference in mid-March will provide the stock with a boost. Nvidia’s rapid ascendance in mega-cap […]

You’ve got ‘your head in the sand’ to be bearish in this market, as investors move to greed from fear, Morgan Stanley portfolio manager says

Silver Bull and Bear on NewspaperGetty Images You’ve got “your head in the sand” if you’re bearish in this market, a Morgan Stanley portfolio manager said. Markets are moving from their fear stage to greed stage, Andrew Slimmon told CNBC. “If you look at history, it is an extraordinarily bullish signal for the market.” After […]