Tag: Governing

Latvia’s governing coalition loses majority in parliament

The governing coalition in the Baltic EU and NATO member state Latvia has lost its parliamentary majority. It follows the resignation on Wednesday of a member of a regional party from the parliamentary group of the co-governing left-wing Progressives. Latvian radio reported that the politician, Edgars Zelderis, wants to continue working in parliament as an […]

Haiti welcomes new governing council as gang-ravaged country seeks peace

Haiti has opened a new political chapter with the installation of a transitional council tasked to pick a new prime minister and prepare for eventual presidential elections, in hopes of quelling spiralling gang violence that has killed thousands in the Caribbean country. Ariel Henry, the prime minister who had been locked out of the country […]

Zuma ally Nathi Nheko resigns from governing ANC

A former senior government minister in South Africa has left the governing African National Congress (ANC), with a blistering attack on the party. Nathi Nhleko said it was “painful” to see the ANC turn into a party he no longer recognised, accusing it of introducing austerity measures and dismantling state-owned companies. Mr Nhleko was close […]

Zimbabwe’s governing Zanu-PF party wins two-thirds majority

Zimbabwe’s governing Zanu-PF party has won all six of Saturday’s parliamentary by-elections meaning it now holds a two-thirds majority in parliament. The victories give President Emmerson Mnangagwa the power to change key provisions in the constitution. The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) allege this will allow him to tighten his grip on power. The […]

House Republicans Lack a Governing Majority

WASHINGTON — Republicans may control the House, but when it comes to enacting any significant measure this Congress, it has fallen to Democrats to supply the bulk of the votes. When Speaker Mike Johnson pushed through a stopgap spending bill Thursday to avert a partial government shutdown, it was the fourth time over the past […]