Tag: Gavin

Kevin O’Leary blasts California Gov. Gavin Newsom after Chevron projects up to $4B profit hit due to state’s energy policies

‘I wouldn’t let him manage a candy store’: Kevin O’Leary blasts California Gov. Gavin Newsom after Chevron projects up to $4B profit hit due to state’s energy policies “Shark Tank” investor and businessman Kevin O’Leary has a message for California governor Gavin Newsom: “Wake up and smell the hydrocarbons.” California’s climate change policies have come […]

Gavin Williamson criticises Boris Johnson’s ‘panic’ pandemic school closures

Pandemic-era UK education secretary Sir Gavin Williamson has criticised Boris Johnson’s “panic” decision to close schools in January 2021. In a witness statement to the official UK Covid-19 Inquiry, the Tory ex-Cabinet minister said he considered resigning over the matter. Mr Williamson, who has not given evidence in person but provided a statement for Module […]