Tag: friendly

Max the friendly cat awarded honorary degree by US university

A US university has bestowed an honorary degree on Max the cat, a beloved member of its community, ahead of a graduation ceremony at the weekend. Vermont State University’s Castleton campus is honouring the feline not for his mousing or napping, but for his friendliness. He is receiving a “doctor of litter-ature”. “Max the Cat […]

Five Israeli soldiers killed by apparent friendly fire in north Gaza

Five Israeli soldiers have been killed and three seriously injured in an incident in northern Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Thursday after an information embargo was lifted. According to Israeli media reports, the soldiers were killed by friendly fire from Israeli tanks during battles against militants on Wednesday. The tanks reportedly fired […]

Sequoia National Park’s giants are the friendly type. Hugs are welcome.

People all over the world watched with rapt attention in 2021 as wildfire threatened to engulf the world’s largest tree. Firefighters carefully wrapped the base of the General Sherman Tree in shiny, protective blanketing as flames drew closer at Sequoia National Park. Ultimately, the roughly 275-foot-tall icon was spared, but other giant sequoias weren’t so […]

Evidence indicates slain MPD officer killed by friendly fire

The Shelby County District Attorney’s office said Wednesday evening that evidence indicates a Memphis Police Department officer killed in a shootout Friday was killed by friendly fire. The DA’s office said it will not be proceeding with murder charges against a 17-year-old suspect. However, the 17-year-old, who was critically injured the shootout which left MPD […]

US bets on climate friendly farming; experts doubt it is climate friendly enough

By Leah Douglas WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Joe Biden‘s administration is offering farmers money for adopting practices that store carbon in the soil to fight climate change, but Reuters interviews with soil science experts and a review of U.S. Department of Agriculture research indicate doubt that the approach will be effective. Farm practices like planting […]

Clark State ranked No. 1 military friendly, military spouse friendly school

Apr. 5—Clark State College has been named the nation’s number one Military Friendly School and Military Spouse Friendly School, with both honors being awarded in the small community college category. “I am ecstatic that Clark State is being recognized for our commitment in supporting veteran and military students and their spouses,” said Diana Seaman, registrar […]