Tag: Fossil

Scientists discover 240-million-year-old fossil of “bizarre” creature

A team of international scientists have discovered 240-million-year-old fossils from the Triassic period in China that one scientist described as a “long and snake-like, mythical Chinese dragon.” The 16-foot-long aquatic reptile, called Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, has 32 separate neck vertebrae – an extremely long neck, according to the National Museums of Scotland, which announced the news on […]

Famous Ancient Reptile Fossil Found to be Fake, Researchers Find

Researchers in Italy have uncovered some enlightening new information about a fossil believed to depict a 280-million-year-old reptile that has been cited in many books and articles over the years. While the fossil, first discovered in the Italian Alps in 1931, was believed to consist of skin and soft tissue, it turns out it’s nothing […]

Famous fossil is really just paint, rocks and a couple of bones, researchers say

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A 280 million-year-old fossil thought to be a well-preserved specimen of an ancient reptile is largely a forgery, according to new research. The fossil, initially discovered in the Italian Alps in 1931, has the scientific […]

Posts misrepresent Canadian MP’s proposal to ban fossil fuel ads

Concerns spread across social media that a bill introduced by a member of a minority party in Canada’s House of Commons would silence any type of positive speech about the oil and gas industry. This is misleading; the legislation is meant to target advertising from fossil fuel producers and not opinion, and an expert said […]

Ithaca backs electric projects, looks to move on from fossil fuel

Amidst a state push for clean energy, the city of Ithaca has announced a $1.9 million suite of electrification projects poised to push the city’s reliance on fossil fuels even closer to being a thing of the past. Plans for building electrification and other environmental initiatives have been outlined in the city’s Green New Deal, […]

Bill to raise state’s fossil fuel royalty rates moves ahead

Jan. 29—New Mexico’s fossil fuel industry is enjoying a record boom in the Permian Basin, and state officials want the education system to benefit even more than it has from the oil-rich region by making companies pay more to drill on state lands there. The House Commerce and Economic Development Committee voted 6-5 Monday, mostly […]

Scientists discover cosmic fossil created by erupting supermassive black hole

NASA scientists have observed a stunning cosmic fossil that was created when a supermassive black hole erupted over 5 million years ago. The team at the space agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center used the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) space telescope with help from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to spot the  X-rays that outline cold gas clouds in […]

Rare skin fossil is oldest by 130 million years

The world’s oldest known fossilized skin belonged to a species of reptile that lived before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, a new study has found. The fragment of fossilized reptile skin was found in a limestone cave in Oklahoma, United States, and is at least 130 million years older than the oldest previously known skin fossil. […]