Tag: Fossil

Hiking family discovers rare T. rex fossil

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A dad, his two sons and their cousin were on a hike in the Badlands of North Dakota in 2022 when they found what looked like a dinosaur leg sticking out of a rock. Liam Fisher […]

IEA says clean energy investment will double that of fossil fuels in 2024

Insights from the IEA, Bloomberg, and Science The News Investment in clean energy sources will double that of fossil fuels in 2024, the International Energy Agency said. Globally, it will surpass $3 trillion this year, with over $2 trillion going toward clean energy, according to the IEA. More than two-thirds of that green investment will […]

‘Virtually complete’ Stegosaurus fossil goes on sale

A Stegosaurus skeleton described as the “most complete and best preserved” of its kind ever discovered is expected to fetch up to $6 million at auction this summer – but not everyone is happy about it . The “exceptional” and “virtually complete” dinosaur fossil, which is 11 feet tall and 20 feet long, will be […]

Chinese fossil reveals evolution of skin in feathered dinosaurs

By Will Dunham (Reuters) – A new fossil of the Cretaceous Period dinosaur Psittacosaurus, a dog-sized herbivore with a parrot-like beak, that was donated to a Chinese university came with a surprise – one revealed only after scientists viewed it under ultraviolet light. It retained large patches of beautifully preserved skin, down to its cellular […]