Tag: forces

Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter

By Joey Roulette WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A defunct Russian satellite has broken up into more than 100 pieces of debris in orbit, forcing astronauts on the International Space Station to take shelter for about an hour and adding to the mass of space junk already in orbit, U.S. space agencies said. There were no immediate details […]

Kenya deploys more security forces as tax protests boil on

Despite the promised withdrawal of Kenya’s controversial tax bill, protests continued against the government of President William Ruto on Thursday, with gunfire reported in Nairobi. The situation was tense in the capital, where demonstrators announced a march to State House, Ruto’s official residence. Access roads were cordoned off over a wide area and numerous police […]

Flooding St. Croix River forces city to postpone July 4 fireworks show

The rising St. Croix River is dousing Stillwater’s plans for its Fourth of July fireworks. City officials decided Tuesday evening to postpone the popular fireworks show because of the water in and around Lowell Park, said Mayor Ted Kozlowski. “It was a really tough call to make,” Kozlowski said. “The reality is the river is […]

Fresh Western munitions satiate Ukrainian forces ‘shell hunger’

By Anna Voitenko DONETSK REGION, Ukraine (Reuters) – Ukrainian troops trying to hold their ground on the eastern front in Donetsk region may still be outnumbered by Russian forces, but the “shell hunger” that plagued them for months as ammunitions started to run out is now behind them. One unit in Donetsk region, the focus […]

Oak Ridge Fire near Beulah forces evacuation

The Oak Ridge Fire is now at 213 acres, growing from its June 22 ignition. The fire is burning in a remote area of the Southern Rockies inside the San Isabel National Forest. A mandatory evacuation was issued for residents in the area. Officials were scheduled to share more details of the fire at 5:30 […]

Israeli forces step up bombardment across Gaza, amid fierce fighting

By Nidal al-Mughrabi CAIRO (Reuters) – Israeli forces pounded Rafah and other areas across the Gaza Strip and engaged in close-quarter combat with fighters led by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, residents and Israel’s military said. Residents said the Israelis appeared to by trying to complete their capture of Rafah, the city on the enclave’s southern […]

Ukraine launches a national sexual assault registry for victims of Russian forces

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Authorities in Ukraine have created a national registry to document cases of sexual violence allegedly committed by Russian forces, a senior prosecutor told The Associated Press on Wednesday. Viktoriia Litvinova, the country’s deputy prosecutor general, said that the registry was created out of a pilot project that had already resulted in […]