Tag: Flaw

The US military’s confidence in smart bombs may have a fatal flaw

Precision warfare has been a central tenet of American strategy. But perceptions that precision weapons are effective is a myth, a retired Army officer argues. “Accurate strikes do not inherently mean effective,” the officer told BI. America loves smart bombs. Ever since World War II, precision warfare has appealed to what America sees as its […]

Maddow Blog | The biggest flaw in Justice Clarence Thomas’ newest complaints

As a matter of jurisprudence, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reason to be pleased. After Donald Trump and Senate Republicans added three new more conservative members to the high court, the right now dominates the institution in ways unseen in generations. The result has been a predictable series of reactionary, far-right rulings, including the […]

Tesla plan to re-run vote on Elon Musk’s record pay deal—now worth $45bn—has a fatal flaw, warns Tulane law professor

Tesla could be setting itself up for a new legal challenge over Elon Musk’s record compensation deal, a law professor at Tulane University warned. On Wednesday, the company urged investors to “restore Tesla’s stockholder democracy” by ratifying in June the 2018 vote that awarded Musk the largest pay package in human history after a Delaware court ruled the approval […]

John Oliver Nails the Fatal Flaw in Alabama’s IVF Ban

Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling last week that frozen embryos fertilized in test tubes legally qualify as living, breathing human beings sent Republicans scrambling to clarify their positions so as not to lose votes from women in the 2024 elections—and John Oliver wasn’t about to let them get away with it. On Last Week Tonight, Oliver […]