Tag: financial

Gen Xers who began their financial independence journeys in their 40s and 50s explain how they’re on pace to meet their early retirement goals

Bill Yount and Jackie Cummings Koski both were late starters in the financial independence movement.Bill Yount BI spoke to three late starters in the financial independence movement. They started to save and invest in their 40s and 50s and set themselves up for early retirement. Their strategies range from safe investments to living minimally to […]

Local foundation to host clinics to help students apply for federal financial aid

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) clinics to guide high school students with completing the applications will be provided by the Education Equalizer Foundation. The foundation received a $10,000 Grant from the U.S. Department of Education as part of the Education Credit Management Corporation’s (ECMC) Student Support Strategy program, officials say. Part of the […]

3 Ways To Prepare for the Upcoming Financial Pandemic

Mediapunch / Shutterstock.com Suze Orman is sounding the alarm on a looming “financial pandemic” as Americans eclipse $1 trillion in total credit card debt. She worries that many households won’t be able to keep up with their payments and that the government won’t bail them out. That means if you have debt, Orman says you’ll […]

Dave Ramsey Advises Woman To ‘Choose Your Pain, Or It Will Choose You’ When She Realizes Her Financial Situation Is Not Sustainable

Dave Ramsey Advises Woman To ‘Choose Your Pain, Or It Will Choose You’ When She Realizes Her Financial Situation Is Not Sustainable During an episode of the Dave Ramsey Show, a concerned caller asked personal finance expert Dave Ramsey what to do after realizing her financial situation was not sustainable. Here’s what Ramsey advised. Don’t […]

4 Money Goals We Set That Helped Us Achieve Financial Freedom

Buba1955 / iStock.com Money is power, and right now, you may want more of it. If you’re tired of working at a job that’s not your dream, it’s time to start working toward financial freedom. Defined as having the financial means to enjoy yourself without holding a traditional job, financial freedom can change everything. Getting […]

US election body gives Trump another 45 days for personal financial disclosures

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Election Commission on Tuesday granted Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a second 45-day extension to file personal financial disclosures. Trump had initially been due to report on his personal financial situation to the Federal Election Commission on May 15 but was granted an extension until July 1 on request. […]

7 Financial Steps I Wish I’d Taken Sooner

kate_sept2004 / iStock.com You might think that people in the upper middle class — they who generally earn anywhere from $150,000 to $250,000 a year — have it all figured out. But even upper middle class earners sometimes make mistakes along the way. In some cases, they’ll look back on their financial journey and think […]