Tag: Filmed

The Jokes Are Piling Up After Cop Filmed Sucking on New Oral Drug Test

A mid-suckage cop is the latest star of the shitshow known as American policing. In recent days, footage made the local (and eventually national) rounds in Minnesota showing law enforcement personnel trying out a new oral fluid drug-testing device. The device, billed as being able to detect multiple types of “drugs” in drivers, is part […]

Mouse filmed tidying up Powys man’s shed every night

Despite being an avid wildlife photographer, retired postman Rodney Holbrook never expected to capture a Ratatouille-style scene unfolding in his own shed. After regularly discovering that things from the night before had been mysteriously tidied, he set up a night camera on his workbench. It captured a mouse picking up clothes pegs, corks, nuts and […]