Tag: filibuster

The filibuster comes to Minnesota

Sen. Eric Lucero, R-St. Michael, and several GOP members stand in protest to procedural rules on the Senate Floor as the 2024 Session draws to a close. Photo by A.J. Olmscheid, Senate Media Services. The Senate filibuster is one of the worst features of modern American governance and a key cause of federal dysfunction. It […]

A Change in GOP Senate Leadership Could Mean Filibuster Reform

Defending the filibuster has been a core tenet of Republican Senate orthodoxy under Sen. Mitch McConnell’s time as party leader. But with an impending change in leadership, the GOP Senate conference might soften its full-throated support for the filibuster—it might even reform it. And one of the leading candidates to replace McConnell may have inadvertently […]

Sen. Jeff Merkley argues case for old-fashioned filibuster in new book

(PORTLAND TRIBUNE) — For Jeff Merkley’s newest book “Filibustered!” he looks back at two events spanning more than four decades in the U.S. Senate. The first was in summer 1976, when he was a student at Stanford University, two years out of David Douglas High School. As a summer intern for U.S. Sen. Mark Hatfield, […]

Liz Truss bid to reform transgender law runs out of time after MPs’ filibuster

Liz Truss’ attempt to ban transgender women from female-only spaces will not be debated after MPs “talked out” her proposal. The Commons was due to debate the former UK prime minister’s proposed legislation on Friday, which would also have barred transgender women from participating in women’s sports and stopped children attempting to change their sex. […]

Is the End of the Filibuster Near?

WASHINGTON — Time may be finally running out on the filibuster, the signature dilatory tactic in the Senate embraced by some as a protector of minority rights and reviled by others as an outdated weapon of partisan obstruction. With the announcement by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona that she will not seek reelection, the filibuster […]

Legislature puts physician-assisted suicide prohibition amendment before the voters; non-citizen voting amendment falls to filibuster

Mar. 10—MORGANTOWN — A Constitutional amendment regarding euthanasia and a bill aimed at curbing youth vaping were among the pieces of legislation completing their journeys late Saturday, the last day of the legislative session. A proposed amendment to prohibit non-citizen voting got filibustered to death in the House in the final minutes of the night. […]