Tag: feels

Going after Russian warships feels like ‘hunting prey,’ says a Ukrainian general overseeing exploding naval drone operations

Ukraine has relied heavily on its arsenal of naval drones to cause headaches for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. These explosive systems have been used to damage and destroy dozens of warships. A Ukrainian general overseeing some of the ops said it’s like “hunting prey.” For at least one Ukrainian general, going after Russian warships with exploding […]

Fairmont’s 201st Field Artillery Regiment feels the love on Valentine’s Day

Feb. 14—FAIRMONT — Valentine’s Day is typically reserved for couples, flowers and expensive dinners, however, Marcella Yaremchuk wants one group in particular to not be left out. Yaremchuk and a few other women from the Valley Chapel United Methodist Church handed out candies to the 201st Field Artillery Regiment of the West Virginia National Guard […]

‘Feels like a 5-star hotel’

Few things are as disappointing as stepping into a long-awaited hot shower, only to find a sad little stream of water. If you’ve experienced this a bit too often, your shower head might be the culprit — and we’ve found a replacement that just might change your bathing game for good. The highly rated SparkPod […]