Tag: faster

Wall Street braces for faster trade settlement

By Laura Matthews and Carolina Mandl NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. trading moves to a shorter settlement on Tuesday, which regulators hope will reduce risk and improve efficiency in the world’s largest markets, but is expected to temporarily increase transaction failure for investors. To comply with a rule change the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission […]

Tech giant you’ve probably never heard of wants to put a data center in a shoebox build using 1000 3D superconducting chips — at 20 exaflops, it would be 20x faster than the most powerful supercomputer on Earth

Data center. To counter the strain on global energy resources due to accelerating computational demands – yes, AI, we’re looking at you – research institute imec is suggesting a radical shift away from traditional computing methods. Its solution, detaile in IEEE Spectrum engineering magazine, involves exploiting the fundamental properties of superconductors to greatly reduce energy […]

Explainer-What to expect as US moves towards faster stock settlement

By Carolina Mandl NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. markets are set for an upheaval on Tuesday, May 28, when the settlement time for U.S. equities, corporate municipal bonds and other securities will be halved to one day, or T+1, following the adoption of a new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule in February 2023. Here […]

Satellite data reveals Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is melting faster than we thought

Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier is melting fast; this much, scientists already know. However,  according to a new study, it’s melting faster than we thought — and that spells trouble for sea-level-rise projections. Using observations from the ICEYE Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite constellation, a joint project between the U.S. and Finland, researchers have taken a detailed look […]

Wall Street braces for faster trade settlement

By Laura Matthews and Carolina Mandl NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. trading moves to a shorter settlement on Tuesday, which regulators hope will reduce risk and improve efficiency in the world’s largest markets, but is expected to temporarily increase transaction failure for investors. To comply with a rule change the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission […]

The Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica is melting faster than scientists thought

More unsettling news from the bottom of the world. Scientists have uncovered evidence of “vigorous melting” at Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, according to a new study published Monday. And for the first time, there is visible evidence that shows warm seawater pumping underneath the glacier. The Thwaites Glacier, part of the vast West Antarctic Ice Sheet, […]

US Navy warships in the Red Sea are fighting off missiles new to combat that are ‘way faster’ than anything else, destroyer captain says

US Navy warships in the Middle East have been facing off against anti-ship ballistic missiles. The Houthis introduced these missiles into combat for the first time in late 2023. The captain of an American destroyer said they are “way faster” than anything else. US Navy warships operating in the Red Sea have been intercepting deadly ballistic […]