Tag: farewell

Yulia Navalnaya thanks Russians who came to bid her husband farewell

(Reuters) – The wife of the late Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has thanked the many thousands of Russians who have queued for hours to visit her husband’s grave. “Many people wonder why Alexei fought so hard and never gave up. For your sake. For the beautiful, brave and honest people who now come […]

Taylor bids farewell to former valedictorian

Mar. 1—TAYLOR, N.D. — Nestled amidst the Western prairies of North Dakota sits the unassuming town of Taylor, where the winds sweep across fields of golden wheat and dreams seem as vast as the horizon. It’s here that the story of Thomas Laurence Larsen takes root, where a spirit of hard work would form and […]

Russians say final farewell at funeral of opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Thousands of mourners gathered in Moscow to bid farewell to Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on Friday, two weeks after his still-unexplained death in an Arctic penal colony. Crowds faced a heavy police presence as they thronged the church where Navalny’s funeral was held, and the cemetery in a snowy suburb where he was finally […]

Italy bids quiet farewell to Vittorio Emanuele, son of its last king

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral in the northern Italian city of Turin on Saturday of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, the only son of Italy’s last king, who died last week aged 86. Among those present in the city’s main cathedral were Prince Albert of Monaco and Spain’s former Queen Sofia, while small groups of […]

WBAY bids emotional farewell to reporter and anchor Sarah Thomsen as she continues her recovery from a brain injury

GREEN BAY – It was an emotional 6 p.m. newscast on WBAY-TV on Tuesday as the station bid farewell to anchor and reporter Sarah Thomsen. Anchors Cami Rapson and Bill Jartz told viewers their colleague’s 20-year career at the station was ending as she continues therapy to recover from a severe concussion sustained in a car crash more than a year and a half […]

This may be SLIM’s farewell transmission from the moon

SLIM, Japan’s historic moon lander, is officially powered down in preparation for a brutal, likely fatal lunar nighttime lasting around 14.5 days. Before drifting off to what very probably will be a permanent slumber, however, the small craft beamed back a few final glimpses of its new home to mission control at the Japanese space […]

Farewell to Ron DeSantis, an awkward bully nobody liked. Even Republicans.

While Republican voters in New Hampshire head to the polls to choose between Donald Trump, R-The Literal Worst, and Nikki Haley, R-Meh, Ron DeSantis is heading home to Florida to feel deeply embarrassed. That’s exactly what the governor – an unlikable bully from the jump – deserves after ending one of the most laughably inept […]