Tag: facilities

Latest Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities aim to damage economy, says Deputy PM

Russia is now aiming to cause maximum damage to Ukraine’s economy with its latest series of attacks on energy infrastructure. Source: Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for Recovery and Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, at the Munich Security Conference, reported by Interfax-Ukraine Details: “The recent attacks on our energy sector have proven that […]

DOD looks to revamp housing, facilities on military installations

The Defense Department is the proud owner of 538 installations across 26 million acres of land, much of it developed before 1970 and either woefully outdated or outright falling apart. But the Pentagon wants to turn that around, starting with its new Strategy for Resilient and Healthy Defense Communities, unveiled Thursday. The strategy will compile […]

Can the Jackson area support two travel sports facilities?

In 2025, there may be two travel sports complexes in the Jackson-Metro area, each with the potential to significantly boost their respective local economies. One, City Plaza in South Jackson, is close to construction. The other, the Megadome in Gluckstadt, is in early development. Travel sports is a rapidly growing, multi-billion dollar industry in the […]

Portugal to aid reconstruction of Zhytomyr’s education facilities

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has held a meeting with the Portuguese delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, discussing Portugal’s involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine. Source: European Pravda, citing the Office of the President of Ukraine The press office said that Zelenskyy “highly appreciated” Portugal’s readiness to contribute to the […]

Wooster City Schools extends timeline for revised facilities plan

The Wooster City Schools District’s facilities master plan did not appear on the board agenda for its Monday meeting, but an updated reporting detailing an “an intentional and conscientious approach to future facility financial requests” did. The primary update revolved around the recommendation to shift the facility ballot issue to May 2025, reflecting the district’s […]

Close Ohio’s 3 youth prisons, build a dozen smaller facilities

Ohio should eventually close its three youth prisons and replace them with a dozen small, close-to-home juvenile lockups, Gov. Mike DeWine said on Thursday. “I think it’s the right thing to do. It’s important for safety of the juveniles, I think it’s important for the safety of the staff. I think we’ll be better able […]

Ukraine’s security services target Russian facilities in Tula, Smolensk and Orel

Ukrainian security services continued their special explosive operations on the territory of the Russian Federation during the night of 20-21 January. Source: Ukrainska Pravda (UP) sources in Ukraine’s security services Details: UP’s sources said Defence Intelligence of Ukraine UAVs had attacked Russian military facilities in Smolensk, Tula, and Orel. Quote: “The work planned by the […]

“FrankenSAM” air defense systems provide coverage for Ukrainian military facilities — UA forces

While Ukraine’s “FrankenSAM” air defense systems are not capable of long-range air defense, they are sufficient for safeguarding infrastructure and military facilities, Ukrainian Air Forces spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat said on national television on Jan. 19. The hybrid “FrankenSAMs” combine modern Western missiles with modernized launchers or Soviet-era radars. Read also: Ukraine developing new domestically-produced air […]