Tag: extinction

Several shark species are facing extinction. Here’s how you can help

Older than dinosaurs and trees, sharks have endured a lot throughout their 450 million years on Earth. They’ve even survived five mass extinctions, including the asteroid that wiped out 75% of life on the planet. But many species of these aquatic apex predators are now in danger of dying out forever. “Sharks are in crisis globally,” says the WWF. Overfishing (hunting […]

Several shark species are facing extinction. Here’s how you can help

Older than dinosaurs and trees, sharks have endured a lot throughout their 450 million years on Earth. They’ve even survived five mass extinctions, including the asteroid that wiped out 75% of life on the planet. But many species of these aquatic apex predators are now in danger of dying out forever. “Sharks are in crisis […]

To Avert a Mass Extinction, Protect 1 Percent of Earth

Most species are rare, meaning they are few in number or cover a small range, or both. As a result, a new study concludes, humans can preserve much of the great diversity of life on Earth by marking out just 1.2 percent of the planet for protection. For the study, experts mapped the wilderness still […]

Iberian lynx back from brink of extinction

Things are looking up for the Iberian lynx. Just over two decades ago, the pointy-eared wild cat was on the brink of extinction, but as of Thursday the International Union for Conservation of Nature says it is no longer an endangered species. Successful conservation efforts mean that the animal, native to Spain and Portugal, is […]

More poll woes for Sunak with warning Tories face ‘extinction’

Labour is on course for a 262-seat majority in the upcoming UK general election, analysis by pollster Survation has suggested. The analysis and modelling based on more than 40,000 surveys indicates Labour is ahead in 456 seats, with the Tories in first place with just 72. Meanwhile, a voting intention poll by Savanta also contained […]

Italy’s iconic newsagents face extinction

In the heart of Rome, for nearly a quarter of a century, the Pisano sisters held steadfast to their morning ritual, rain or shine, unfailingly opening their newspaper kiosk, or edicola in Italian. Except in August when Italy practically shuts down for vacation, and on sacred Sundays, a day of rest, Alessandra and Patrizia Pisano […]