Tag: exists

Did you know the Fountain of Youth exists in Pennsylvania?

PITTSBURGH, Pa. (WHTM) – Achieving eternal youth might not be possible, but you can still visit the Fountain of Youth, which happens to be located in the Keystone State. There is no need to travel to South America or recruit the League of Adventurers to locate this Fountain of Youth. It’s located in a public […]

A flawless, sun-damage-protected complexion exists

As a beauty editor who’s tested literally hundreds of unnecessary skin care/makeup mashups, I was skeptical about finding the best tinted sunscreens. I thought: Isn’t face sunscreen on its own more beneficial? Isn’t tinted sunscreen just makeup with an SPF afterthought? Am I turning into the beauty world’s Andy Rooney? Why does every product in 2024 […]