Tag: emission

Biden tailpipe emission rules on shakier ground after Supreme Court ruling

By Lisa Baertlein (Reuters) – A U.S. Supreme Court decision limiting federal regulatory powers to interpret ambiguous laws could undermine President Joe Biden’s effort to cut tailpipe emissions from the nation’s vehicle fleet, two environmental law attorneys told Reuters. In a decision released on Friday, the justices ruled 6-3 to overturn a 1984 precedent known […]

Where is Rochester on its greenhouse gas emission reduction?

Rochester is several years into enacting a climate action plan, created with the intention of proactively addressing greenhouse gas emissions. Has the city succeeded in meeting those greenhouse gas emissions goals? What challenges do the city and community face and how might those be addressed? Rochester’s greenhouse emission goals The city’s climate action plan outlines […]

Auto dealers up campaign urging Biden administration to halt EPA tailpipe emission limits regulation

DETROIT (AP) — More than 4,700 auto dealerships across the United States urged President Joe Biden in a letter Thursday to halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to enforce stricter vehicle-pollution standards. The missive comes just weeks before the agency’s expected ruling on its tailpipe-emissions proposal, which addresses both climate change and pollutants that are […]