Tag: embarrassing

Embarrassing Video Reveals Trump’s Alarming Cognitive Decline

Trump has apparently chosen to Streisand Effect his cognitive lapses into the public eye by mocking Biden while getting tripped up by his own pesky deteriorating brain. Over the weekend, Trump challenged Biden to take a cognitive test and promptly forgot the name of the doctor who administered his in 2020. On Tuesday, Trump mocked […]

Scholz calls Putin’s praise of Germany’s far-right AfD ’embarrassing’

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday described Russian President Vladimir Putin’s praise for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) as “embarrassing” for the far-right party. “It is embarrassing that you have received such praise from the Russian president,” the chancellor said in the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament, after heckling from members of the AfD. […]

Rudy Giuliani’s law career suffers another embarrassing blow

Another legal disciplinary board in Washington has concluded that Rudy Giuliani, who sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election as Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, should lose his law license. On Friday, the D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility recommended that Giuliani be disbarred for his involvement in a lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s presidential election […]

Convicted Felon Trump Forced to Beg Most Embarrassing Ally for Help

Convicted felon Donald Trump might need to turn to some of his ex-allies in order to help him out with his newfound legal guilt—namely, “Tiny D” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Trump’s ability to vote for himself in November will depend on the details of his sentence, which is expected July 11. His vote is further […]

OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, described as “mildly embarrassing at best,” surpasses professional analysts and advanced AI models in forecasting future earnings trends

What you need to know A new research study shows OpenAI’s GPT-4 model is better at predicting future earning trends than professional financial analysts or state-of-the-art AI models trained to handle such tasks. The researchers indicate that GPT-4 didn’t have access to qualitative data during the study. The study attributes GPT-4’s performance to its economic […]

MAGA Idiots Fail to Spin Away Embarrassing Fact on Trump Bronx Rally

Team Trump is up to their old tricks again and falsely claiming a lackluster rally in the Bronx on Thursday drew a crowd of 25,000 supporters. This estimate comically contradicts on-the-ground reports, the NYPD, aerial views, and the laws of physics. But reality is no match for the notoriously anti-factual Trump and his supporters, who […]

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman suggests GPT-5 may work like a ‘virtual brain’ with deeper thinking capabilities, demystifying it from the “mildly embarrassing at best GPT-4”

What you need to know OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently suggested that GPT-5 may work like a virtual brain. The AI-powered model will reportedly spot deeper thinking capabilities, allowing it to handle complex tasks better compared to its predecessors. Altman disclosed the model might ship under a different, but “very special” name, touting its advanced […]

I’m a doc — and this embarrassing health issue is actually very common

You know that nature’s call is, well, natural — but that doesn’t mean it’s always welcome. When the urge to hit the bathroom becomes too frequent, it can feel annoying or even downright embarrassing. However, frequent urination is surprisingly common — and not talked about enough. The health issue affects as many as 30% of […]

GOP senators see warning signs for Trump after embarrassing week

Senate Republicans see some warning signs flashing after an embarrassing week for former President Trump, despite his strong poll numbers in battleground states against President Biden. Some Republican lawmakers think Trump needs to step up his appeals to disaffected GOP voters, especially women, after Nikki Haley won 128,000 votes in solidly Republican Indiana despite ending […]

An embarrassing sleep disorder no one wants to talk about

Sign up for CNN’s Sleep, But Better newsletter series. Our seven-part guide has helpful hints to achieve better sleep. A 38-year-old man repeatedly tries to force his wife to have sex in the middle of the night but has no memory of his actions when he wakes up. A married woman in her mid-20s often tears […]