Tag: Earths

See Earth’s atmosphere glow gold in gorgeous photo taken from the ISS

A golden glow illuminates Earth’s horizon in a stunning new image from the International Space Station. The atmospheric glow, or airglow, captured in the new photo occurs when sunlight interacts with atoms and molecules within Earth’s atmosphere. The new photo, which NASA shared on Jan. 21, shows a bright golden glow arching above Earth, along […]

Earth’s Forces Are Causing This Massive Plate to Split in Two

For decades scientists have been trying to understand the geologic forces driving the creation of the Himalayas, the worlds tallest mountain chain. A new study from an international team of scientist argues that a part of the Indian Plate, which has formed the mountains by crashing into the Eurasian Plate, is actually splitting apart in […]

Why do Earth’s magnetic poles flip?

Earth, our rocky, watery oasis in the cosmos is the ideal place for life to flourish for a number of reasons. We sit at just the right distance from our home star for liquid water to exist on the planet’s surface. The gravitational pull of other large planets helps protect us from apocalyptic collisions with […]

China’s Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft burns up in Earth’s atmosphere

China deorbited its robotic Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft today (Jan. 19) after it completed its mission serving the country’s space station. The 35-foot-long (10.6 meters) Tianzhou 6 reentered over an area of ocean, likely the South Pacific — an area frequently used by countries for deorbiting spacecraft due to its remoteness — today at 7:37 […]