Tag: Earths

Titanosaurs were the biggest land animals Earth’s ever seen − these plant-powered dinos combined reptile and mammal traits

You’re probably familiar with classic sauropod dinosaurs – the four-legged herbivores famous for their long necks and tails. Animals such as Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus and Diplodocus have been standard fixtures in science museums since the 1800s. With their small brains and enormous bodies, these creatures have long been the poster children for animals destined to go […]

Scientists reveal secrets of Earth’s magnificent desert star dunes

By Will Dunham (Reuters) – They are among the wonders of our deserts: star dunes, the vaguely pyramid-shaped sand formations up to about 1,000 feet (300 meters) tall with arms stretching out from a central peak to give them a star-like appearance when viewed from above. Scientists on Monday unveiled the first in-depth study of […]

The Earth’s Crust Flipped Upside Down in This Spot, Scientists Find

Flipped-Turned Upside Down In 2010, scientists detected unusual seismic waves under Granada, Spain, which eventually led to a surprising finding: an oceanic slab that had completely flipped upside down as it was being pushed beneath its neighbor. As detailed in a new paper published in the journal The Seismic Record, the team found that the […]

Kayakers paddle in one of Earth’s driest spots after rains replenish lake

Kayakers have been paddling in one of the driest places on Earth after a series of record rain storms battered California’s Death Valley and replenished Lake Manly. Park ranger Nicole Andler said Badwater Basin at Death Valley National Park, which runs along part of central California’s border with Nevada, “is normally a very beautiful, bright […]

‘Intruder’ stars have changed Earth’s climate over the eons. Here’s how.

Stars intruding into the sun’s cosmic backyard could have shifted Earth’s orbit in the distant past, triggering major climate events in our planet’s history. The gravitational influence of these intruder stars has also impacted the orbit of other planets in the solar system, causing minor deviations called perturbations. New research looks at the effect of […]

Satellite to crash through Earth’s atmosphere this week

A satellite will likely make an uncontrolled return through Earth’s atmosphere on Wednesday, according to the latest estimates from the European Space Agency. ERS-2, which weighs about as much as an adult male rhinoceros, could re-enter about 15 hours earlier or later than expected, according to the space agency. The agency cannot predict exactly when […]