Tag: Earths

Jupiter’s raging gas cyclones may actually mirror Earth’s oceans. Here’s how

How different are Jupiter‘s gaseous layers and Earth’s oceans? Perhaps not as much as you expect. Lia Siegelman, a physical oceanographer at the University of California, San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, has been studying Jupiter through the lens of Earth’s oceans to determine what powers the gas giant’s raging cyclones. “Jupiter is basically an […]

Can Australia step up its rare earths game?

Likened to oil in the 21st century, rare earth metals have long been pitched as game-changing materials for the global energy landscape. Mined for their magnetic properties, the 17 metals are used in everything from mobile phones to electric vehicle engines and wind turbines, and are a mainstay of clean energy technologies. Despite their name, […]

NASA PREFIRE mission set to launch to study Earth’s polar regions

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. NASA is set to launch the first of two research satellites to measure how much heat is lost to space from the Arctic and Antarctica. The shoebox-size satellite is expected to lift off Saturday aboard […]

Something strange is happening with Earth’s magnetic field tail

You may not know this, but Earth’s magnetic field has a tail. As the sun‘s solar wind buffets the planet, it leaves behind a sort of long shadow that trails out in our planet’s wake. Scientists call this magnetic tail, appropriately, the magnetotail. Typically, the magnetotail is strewn with magnetic storms. But for the past […]

NASA’s PREFIRE mission is ready to unlock the mysteries of Earth’s poles

NASA is preparing to launch its latest climate science mission, the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE), which aims to capture brand new data on how heat is lost to space from Earth’s polar regions. PREFIRE consists of a pair of cubesats that will launch separately into near-polar orbits. The first, “Ready, Aim, […]

The summer of 2023 was Earth’s hottest in 2,000 years, scientists find

The 2015 Paris Agreement, meant to constrain global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, has already been breached, according to European scientists who  found that last summer was Earth‘s hottest in the past 2,000 years across the Northern Hemisphere. More specifically, the new estimates, derived from tree ring records, show the summer of […]