Tag: Earths

Genome study deepens mystery of what doomed Earth’s last mammoths

By Will Dunham (Reuters) – About 4,000 years ago, the last of Earth’s woolly mammoths died out on a lonely Arctic Ocean island off the coast of Siberia, a melancholy end to one of the world’s charismatic Ice Age animals. But what doomed this last mammoth population on Wrangel Island? A new genomic analysis deepens […]

The rotation of Earth’s inner core is slowing down

The rotation of Earth’s inner core began to slow down more than a decade ago, altering the length of our days by fractions of a second. Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) created renderings of the inner core’s movement using seismic data recorded from various earthquakes and nuclear tests, both of which send […]

Huge Rare Earths Discovery is Gamechanger in Americas Trade War with China

At the height of the American war machine’s realization that China controls nearly all of its raw materials, two new developments in Europe now suggest that the West has a fighting chance to secure critical metals for the future: A major discovery in Norway, and a potentially game-changing acquisition in Greenland. In mid-June, Norwegian mining […]

Brazil joins race to loosen China’s grip on rare earths industry

By Melanie Burton and Fabio Teixeira MELBOURNE/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – Mining giant Brazil has big ambitions to build a rare earths industry as Western economies push to secure the metals needed for magnets used in green energy and defence and break China’s dominance of the supply chain. Working to its advantage are low labour […]

‘10,000 times the force of Earth’s gravity’

A California company has tech that will likely draw attention from the Punkin Chunkin community. That’s because SpinLaunch is developing a large rotating arm that uses kinetic energy to fling 440-pound satellites into low orbit, with successful tests already in the books. Importantly, the process doesn’t need rocket fuel to work. It’s all powered by […]

A missing link in the timeline of Earth’s chemistry may have been found

A missing piece of Earth’s evolutionary timeline may have been found. Using computational modeling, a team of scientists explored how working backwards from modern biochemistry could help map out how simple, non-living chemicals present on early Earth gave rise to complex molecules that led to the emergence of life as we know it. Researchers believe […]

Jupiter’s raging gas cyclones may actually mirror Earth’s oceans. Here’s how

How different are Jupiter‘s gaseous layers and Earth’s oceans? Perhaps not as much as you expect. Lia Siegelman, a physical oceanographer at the University of California, San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, has been studying Jupiter through the lens of Earth’s oceans to determine what powers the gas giant’s raging cyclones. “Jupiter is basically an […]

Can Australia step up its rare earths game?

Likened to oil in the 21st century, rare earth metals have long been pitched as game-changing materials for the global energy landscape. Mined for their magnetic properties, the 17 metals are used in everything from mobile phones to electric vehicle engines and wind turbines, and are a mainstay of clean energy technologies. Despite their name, […]