Tag: doomsday

‘Doomsday prophet’ sentenced to death for murder of wife and two children

A jury in Idaho has unanimously agreed that “doomsday prophet’ Chad Daybell deserves the death penalty for the murders of his wife and his girlfriend’s two youngest children. The 55-year-old showed no emotion as he was told he would face the death penalty for the murders of Tammy Daybell, 16-year-old Tylee Ryan and seven-year-old Joshua […]

Idaho man sentenced to death for doomsday plot murders

An Idaho man has been sentenced to death for the murder of his wife and his girlfriend’s two youngest children as part of a doomsday plot. Chad Daybell was sentenced on Saturday after an Idaho jury unanimously agreed that imposing the death penalty would be a just resolution to the triple-murder case. It marks the […]

South Africa’s Steenhuisen wages mission to stop ‘doomsday coalition’

By Joe Bavier JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – On paper, South Africa’s election this week should present a golden opportunity for the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) and its leader John Steenhuisen. The African National Congress (ANC) – the party of Nelson Mandela in power for the last 30 years – has little to boast about. The economy […]

Scientists worry so-called “Doomsday Glacier” is near collapse, satellite data reveals

Antartica’s Thwaites Glacier is also known as the “Doomsday Glacier” because it could greatly contribute to sea level rise if it collapses. And new evidence suggests that’s exactly what’s happening. Miles and miles below the surface, the glacier is destabilizing as ocean water rushes underneath its core structures. Scientists learned this thanks to high-resolution satellite radar […]

Rolls-Royce wins contract for US military’s nuke-proof ‘doomsday plane’

Rolls-Royce has been chosen to supply technology for a new version of the American military aircraft nicknamed the “Doomsday plane” for its ability to survive a nuclear blast. The engineering giant is joining a group of aerospace companies working on the Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC) project, which aims to develop a successor to the […]

Rolls-Royce wins contract for US military’s nuke-proof ‘doomsday plane’

Rolls-Royce is one of a number of companies that will contribute to the Survivable Airborne Operations Center or SOAC project – Sierra Nevada Corp Rolls-Royce has been chosen to supply technology for a new version of the American military aircraft nicknamed the “Doomsday plane” for its ability to survive a nuclear blast. The engineering giant […]

We’ve underestimated the ‘Doomsday’ glacier

A vast Antarctic glacier is more vulnerable to melting than previously thought, according to new research, with potentially devastating consequences for billions of people. The Thwaites Glacier — dubbed the “Doomsday” glacier because of the grave impacts for global sea level rise if it melts — is breaking down “much faster” than expected, according to […]

Antarctica’s “doomsday glacier” undergoing “vigorous ice melt,” study finds

The massive “doomsday glacier” known for its rapid destabilization is undergoing a “vigorous ice melt” that scientists say could reshape sea level rise projections. In a new study, glaciologists from the University of California, Irvine, found that warm, high-pressure ocean water is seeping beneath West Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, making it more vulnerable to melting than […]

The Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica is melting faster than scientists thought

More unsettling news from the bottom of the world. Scientists have uncovered evidence of “vigorous melting” at Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, according to a new study published Monday. And for the first time, there is visible evidence that shows warm seawater pumping underneath the glacier. The Thwaites Glacier, part of the vast West Antarctic Ice Sheet, […]

Ocean water is rushing miles underneath the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ with potentially dire impacts on sea level rise

Ocean water is pushing miles beneath Antarctica’s “Doomsday Glacier,” making it more vulnerable to melting than previously thought, according to new research which used radar data from space to perform an X-ray of the crucial glacier. As the salty, relatively warm ocean water meets the ice, it’s causing “vigorous melting” underneath the glacier and could […]