Tag: divided

Republicans divided over Arizona near-total abortion ban, poll shows

Republicans are nearly evenly divided over the Arizona supreme court’s decision to uphold an 1864 law that would ban almost all abortions, new polling shows. Forty-nine per cent of Republicans strongly or somewhat disapprove of the decision, while 46% of Republicans strongly or somewhat approve of it, according to polling of more than 1,000 likely […]

Last-minute red flag bill draws a divided crowd to State House hearing

Apr. 5—AUGUSTA — Supporters and opponents of a red flag law that would allow family members to petition a court to restrict a person’s firearms access without a mental health evaluation gathered at the State House Friday to voice their opinions on a last-minute proposal before lawmakers. Proponents of L.D. 2283 told the Legislature’s Judiciary […]

Divided appeals court extends block on Texas immigration law

A federal appeals court early on Wednesday extended its hold on a new Texas immigration law, meaning the measure cannot go into effect while litigation continues. A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on a 2-1 vote said in a decision issued overnight that the statute, known as Senate […]

The Jewish state is divided over the Jewish religion

Just when you think nothing can surprise you anymore in Israeli politics, someone always comes along with a new twist. This time it was Yitzhak Yosef, one of Israel’s two chief rabbis. In response to debates over whether ultra-Orthodox Jews should be required to serve in the military, or continue to be excused to study […]

House Republicans say they support IVF but are divided over how to protect it

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. — House Republicans said they emphatically support in vitro fertilization at their annual policy retreat here this week. But they’re all over the map on how to protect access to the treatment that has helped millions of families have children. Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said Congress doesn’t have a role to […]

Analysis-In Petrobras dividend spat, CEO navigates Lula’s divided cabinet

By Lisandra Paraguassu and Rodrigo Viga Gaier BRASILIA (Reuters) – The fallout from a missing Petrobras dividend may have shifted the balance in a tug-of-war between the CEO of the state-run firm and the energy minister holding sway over its board. Chief Executive Jean Paul Prates saw his proposal for an extraordinary dividend, widely expected […]

Most Americans see state of the union as divided

CBS News asked Americans over the past week, “If you could give the ‘State of the Union,’ which would you say describes the state of the country today?” We received some negative evaluations. “Divided” was the answer picked by most, followed by “declining” and “weak.” Fewer Americans picked “strong,” “prospering” or “united.” Democrats and Republicans […]