Tag: distant

Astronomers discover oldest ‘dead’ galaxy in the distant universe

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Astronomers have spotted the oldest “dead” galaxy ever observed while studying the cosmos with the James Webb Space Telescope, and it’s one of the deepest views into the distant universe made with the observatory to […]

Scientists Find Organic Matter in Sample From Distant Asteroid

Cometary Gates Researchers have discovered “cometary organic matter” while studying samples from Ryugu, a near-Earth asteroid that was visited by Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft in 2018. The mission returned samples to Earth in December 2020, giving scientists potentially invaluable insights into the origins of life on Earth, which some researchers now believe may have been […]

Dogtag found in distant river has ties to High Point couple

Jan. 20—How did an item that was stolen nearly 75 years ago — and apparently ditched by the robbers — recently resurface in the Roanoke River? And what does that have to do with High Point? That’s the mystery a New York man has been trying to solve since last fall, when the stolen keepsake […]

Trump benefits from fierce, distant fight for second

DES MOINES, Iowa — The fight for second fiddle plays on, but the Iowa caucuses were full of hints that the music will eventually stop for candidates not named Donald Trump. In the short term, the former president won a bonus on top of his commanding first-place finish: Because his two leading rivals finished so […]

Hubble Space Telescope sees wild weather raging on distant hot Jupiter world

The Hubble Space Telescope has seen cyclones raging in the dynamic atmosphere of a hot Jupiter located 880 light years away, thanks to observations and computer modeling that could one day be applied to characterize weather on smaller, rocky exoplanets. The planet, dubbed WASP-121b, has a mass about 1.16 times greater than our solar system’s […]