Tag: diets

Huge Study Finds That Vegetarian and Vegan Diets Are Incredibly Good for You

Fruits and vegetables win again! As CNN reports, a new umbrella study has found that most vegetarian and vegan diets significantly curb risks of life-threatening illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular disease — and can even prevent early death. An umbrella study systematically examines large amounts of existing research. For this study, published this week in […]

Certain vegetarian diets significantly reduce risk of cancer, heart disease and death, study says

Sign up for CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious expert-backed eating lifestyle that will boost your health for life. Eating a vegan, vegetarian or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet significantly reduces the overall risk of developing cancer, heart disease and dying early from cardiovascular disease, according to a new “umbrella” analysis […]

A woman couldn’t understand why she wasn’t losing weight after trying diets, exercise, and medication. A test revealed she was missing crucial gut microbes.

Kimmie Gilbert couldn’t seem to lose weight despite trying diets, exercise, and medication. Research suggests that gut microbiome composition might play a role in a person’s weight. Gilbert got her stool analyzed in a lab and found that she was lacking some key microbes. Kimmie Gilbert has one pressing question: “What in the world are […]