Tag: Dictators

Biden travels to Europe to commemorate the defeat of dictators

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden leaves the campaign trail this week and flies to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, where he’ll give speeches touting American alliances that beat back dictatorships bent on world conquest. Biden is in a long string of presidents who have delivered that sort of message over the years as […]

‘He’s been sucking up to dictators all over the world’

The question isn’t whether Democrats in Georgia will vote for President Joe Biden, either on Tuesday or in November. It’s how many. Biden swung through Georgia on Saturday to collect the endorsements of political action committees representing Asian, Black and Latino voters, another stop on the march to the Democratic nomination. Related: Biden says he […]

Mary Trump Pinpoints Childhood Reason For Uncle’s ‘Crush’ On Dictators

Clinical psychologist Mary Trump suggested her uncle Donald Trump’s affinity for strongmen leaders stemmed from his childhood relationship with his father, Fred Trump. The former president “has never evolved beyond the kind of person he was when he was very young and it’s not at all surprising because he grew up in an authoritarian household,” […]