Tag: Diamonds

Hardened like diamonds, these Gen Z protesters fight for a European future

Editor’s Note: Will Cathcart is an American freelance journalist based in Tbilisi. He was previously a media adviser to Mikheil Saakashvili, former president of Georgia. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. Read more opinion on CNN. Riot police in gas masks and balaclavas emerge like a dystopian infantry in the haze of tear gas that envelops Rustaveli Avenue, the Georgian capital’s main thoroughfare. They snatch protesters from the […]

Hunting for the Birthplace of the World’s Rarest Diamonds

It’s hard to overstate the rarity of the Hope and Koh-i-noor diamonds. The stones, excavated from shallow placer mines in India between 1600-1800, are equally famous for their size and clarity. The Koh-i-noor, which is set in the Queen Mother’s Crown of England but India has demanded back, weighs a titanic 105.6 carats. Together, they […]