Tag: dermatologists

The best deodorant for sensitive skin, according to dermatologists

Finding the right deodorant can feel like a never-ending struggle, especially if you have sensitive skin. Many deodorants on the market contain harsh ingredients, like added fragrances or alcohol, that can cause irritation and leave your underarms red, itchy and uncomfortable. The armpit area, in particular, is prone to sweat and friction, which makes it […]

The best toenail fungus treatment for 2024, according to dermatologists

Toenail fungus. If the term makes you cringe, that’s understandable. It’s not pretty, and it’s rarely the topic of polite conversation. Yet fungal infections of the nails (fingernails included) are common — they affect roughly 10% of the general population, and rates increase significantly as we age. Fungal infections typically cause toenails to become thick, […]

Dermatologists share their best advice

If you were reveling in beach time, a desert hike or just a sunny backyard hang and got some painfully red skin to show for it, try not to beat yourself up too much — sunburn happens to the best of us. A sunburn is an inflammatory reaction to the sun’s UV rays having long-term […]

Young adults are falling for sunscreen myths — including claims that SPF is harmful and drinking water prevents sunburn. Here’s what dermatologists say.

Misinformation about sunscreen and sun exposure is surprisingly common in young adults, which dermatologists say can have serious consequences. A new national survey by the Orlando Health Cancer Institute that included 1,021 U.S. adults found that about 1 in 7 (or 14%) adults under 35 think daily sunscreen use is more harmful to the skin […]