Tag: Democracy

Historian talks Trump, Alito, and the delegitimization of democracy

It was another chaotic week for the GOP: its presumptive presidential nominee shared a video referencing a “unified Reich,” its members began peddling another absurd and debunked conspiracy theory, and a second provocative flag was spotted at a second residence owned by conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. “Fascism isn’t a day job,” says historian […]

Biden urges ‘constant vigilance’ to maintain democracy in West Point speech

WEST POINT, New York — President Joe Biden delivered the commencement address at the United States Military Academy on Saturday, leaning into themes about the importance of protecting democracy. Speaking on a sunny spring morning in an outdoor stadium filled with cadets and their families and friends, Biden called the graduating class “guardians of American […]

President warns new army officers to be ‘guardians of American democracy’

Joe Biden has called newly graduating US military officers the “guardians of American democracy” at a commencement speech at the elite West Point military academy in New York state, where the US president, without mentioning Donald Trump by name, gave strong warnings of unprecedented threats to US freedom. Biden, speaking in front of about 1,000 […]

Tens of thousands protest Taiwan parliament bills to ‘defend democracy’

Tens of thousands of Taiwanese protesters rallied day and night outside parliament on Friday, as lawmakers inside traded insults, blows and theatrics over a series of bills to expand the legislature’s power. The issue has dominated conversations on the self-ruled island for the past week, eclipsing news of Beijing launching military drills around Taiwan to […]

Democracy fest to be held in Berlin government district at weekend

To mark the 75th anniversary of Germany’s de facto constitution, the Basic Law, the government in Berlin is inviting citizens to a major Democracy Festival to be located around the buildings housing the Chancellery and the Bundestag. From Friday to Sunday, there are events planned in the form of dialogue, information stands, games, concerts, plays, […]