Tag: Decency

Examine situation in Afghanistan before deporting criminals

Against the backdrop of the fatal knife attack on a police officer in the south-western German city of Mannheim, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has appealed for a careful study of the situation in Afghanistan before possible deportations to the country. “In this particular case, the Ministry of the Interior has been investigating for some time,” […]

Vladimir Putin Says Russia Has ‘Run Out’ of ‘Decency,’ and It’s on the US to Take ‘Reciprocal Steps’ to Free Evan Gershkovich

Speaking to Tucker Carlson, Russian president Vladimir Putin essentially blamed America for the continued imprisonment of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. “I do not rule out that the person you refer to, Gershkovich, may return to his motherland,” said Putin at the end of the two-hour video, which was released on Thursday. “But at […]