Tag: debunks

Maddow debunks Trump corporate support myth

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Monday debunked claims that large corporations and their executive are staunch supporters — financially and otherwise — of Donald Trump, a line the MAGA campaign has been pushing in the weeks ahead of the fast-approaching presidential debate between Trump and President Joe Biden. Heading into the debate, she began, the press has […]

Market strategist debunks ‘sell in May’ strategy

STORY: Although the S&P 500 is down more than 5% from its March 28 closing high, Stovall advised investors stay calm, despite his belief that stocks may “still have more downside to go.” “When it comes to market timing,” he explained, “you’re better off not worrying about it. Because if you count up all of […]

Poland counters Putin’s historical distortions, debunks claims in Tucker Carlson interview

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s pseudo-historical claims presented in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson on Feb. 9. They’ve published ten points refuting Putin’s fabrications. During the two-hour conversation, Putin falsely portrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians while labeling Russia as the aggrieved party in the war. Read […]