Tag: Danilov

Ukraine has unwavering commitment to liberating Crimea – Danilov

Ukraine’s successful missile strike on Russia’s Novocherkassk landing ship underscores the country’s unwavering commitment to liberating Crimea, said National Security and Defense Council Secretary, Oleksiy Danilov, in an interview with Voice of America. “For us, Crimea is vital, just like any other part of our territories,” Danilov said with conviction. Read also: Half of the […]

Discussions on mobilization in Ukraine continue — Danilov

Ukrainian military and government officials continue debating ordering another wave of large-scale mobilization, Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) secretary Oleksiy Danilov told Ukrainian TV broadcasters on Dec. 20. “The Ministry of Defense, together with the General Staff, are proposing their vision [for further mobilization],” said Danilov. Read also: New mobilization initiatives expected soon, […]