Tag: crippled

CDK Global crippled by cyberattack, disrupting vehicle sales in U.S. and Canada. Here’s a look at what happened and where things stand.

Thousands of car dealerships were crippled this week after CDK Global suffered back-to-back cyberattacks, leading to disruptions in business operations — including sales, financing and payroll systems — across North America. If you’re looking to buy a vehicle this week, you might be impacted. Here’s what we know. What is CDK Global — and what […]

How clerics crippled the Islamic Republic

Economic and political mismanagement have held Iran back for years – Vahid Salemi/Vahid Salemi Inflation in Iran makes Britain’s cost of living crisis look like a picnic. Price growth has been in double digits for nearly six years and averaged 35.8pc in February. In the last two years, under President Ebrahim Raisi, the cost of […]

Flight controllers contact crippled Japanese moon lander

Japanese flight controllers re-established contact with the robotic SLIM lunar lander Saturday, eight days after the spacecraft tipped over and lost power as it was touching down on Jan. 19, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announced Sunday. An engine malfunction moments before landing caused the Smart Landing for Investigating (the) Moon, or SLIM, spacecraft to […]

1st photo from crippled private Peregrine moon lander holds clue to anomaly

Astrobotic’s troubled Peregrine moon lander has snapped its first photo in the final frontier, and the image holds clues about what happened to the spacecraft. Peregrine lifted off early Monday morning (Jan. 8) on the first-ever mission of United Launch Alliance’s new Vulcan Centaur rocket. The historic launch went well, but Peregrine ran into problems […]