Tag: Covidflu

Moderna sees positive results in COVID-flu vaccine trial

Moderna’s late-stage trial for its COVID-flu combination vaccine yielded positive results, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology company announced Monday. The combination vaccine, which Moderna calls mRNA-1083, produced a higher immune response than standalone vaccines for COVID-19 or influenza. The results were also seen among trail participants 65 years and older, whom often don’t show as strong […]

Moderna COVID/flu combo vaccine superior to separate shots in trial

By Patrick Wingrove (Reuters) – Moderna said on Monday its combination vaccine to protect against both COVID-19 and influenza generated a stronger immune response in adults aged 50 and over when compared to separate shots against the viruses in a late-stage trial. In the study, the combination using messenger RNA technology generated greater antibodies than […]

French, US drug firms team up for Covid-flu shot

The Sanofi-Novavax vaccine deal is worth up to $1.2 billion (ALAIN JOCARD) French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi and struggling US rival Novavax announced Friday an alliance to sell a Covid vaccine and develop another that combines with a flu shot. Under a licensing deal worth up to $1.2 billion, the companies will co-commercialise Novavax’s Covid-19 vaccine […]