Tag: Counting

Gavin Newsom is counting on budget rookies to solve a $38B problem

SACRAMENTO, California — Gov. Gavin Newsom needs to solve one of the biggest challenges of his tenure. He has three months to cleave $38 billion from the largest state budget in the country. And the final amount could be nearly double that. But the governor has another problem: The lawmakers helping him have never done […]

Republicans Are Counting on Millionaires to Flip the Senate

Since his rise to the presidency, Donald Trump has claimed enormous wealth as proof that he is an anti-establishment ally of the working class, not beholden to corporate donors or special interests. The Republican Party, eyeing control of the Senate next year, is trying to mimic his success with a cohort of candidates who in […]

7 Trump losses in a row, and counting

Donald Trump surprised the world by winning the US presidential election in 2016, establishing a mystique as somebody who can break rules, violate norms, take crazy risks, and still win. The mystique is gone. Since 2018, Trump has endured a string of losses that should bury the idea that Trump somehow defies gravity in politics […]

Biden’s counting on union support. Some are in no hurry.

President Joe Biden regularly professes his love for unions. But some of them aren’t ready to commit just yet. A handful of national unions — collectively representing more than two million truck drivers, firefighters, postal workers, and others — have yet to publicly back Biden’s reelection, even as many others have endorsed the president considerably […]