Tag: count

See-saw vote in Iran narrows presidential race to two in neck-and-neck count

Early results released on Saturday in Iran’s presidential election put the race between reformist Masoud Pezeshkian and conservative hard-line candidate Saeed Jalili. The early results, reported by Iranian state television, did not initially put either man in a position to win Friday’s election outright, potentially setting the stage for a runoff election to replace the […]

Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack

U.S. officials trying to prevent a bigger Middle East war are issuing an unusual warning to Hezbollah: Don’t assume that Washington can stop Israel from attacking you. The American message is designed to get the Lebanese-based Shiite militia to back down and de-escalate the brewing crisis along the Israeli-Lebanese border, a person familiar with the […]

Trump calls Biden’s student-loan forgiveness efforts ‘vile’ — and voters shouldn’t count on that relief if he’s elected

Trump criticized Biden‘s student-loan forgiveness efforts during a Wisconsin campaign rally. He said Biden’s debt relief is illegal and an attempt to get “publicity for the election.” Biden is still moving forward with his broader attempt at debt relief, but it’ll likely face lawsuits. Former President Donald Trump is making sure voters know how he feels […]