Tag: cosmic

Neutron star collisions could briefly trap a bunch of cosmic ghosts

When it comes to “busting” cosmic ghosts, only the most extreme objects in the universe may be up to the task: neutron stars. Scientists have performed simulations of collisions between these ultradense and dead stars, showing that such powerful events may be able to briefly “trap” neutrinos, otherwise known as “ghost particles.” The discovery could […]

Space radiation can damage satellites − my team discovered that a next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays

The space environment is harsh and full of extreme radiation. Scientists designing spacecraft and satellites need materials that can withstand these conditions. In a paper published in January 2024, my team of materials researchers demonstrated that a next-generation semiconductor material called metal-halide perovskite can actually recover and heal itself from radiation damage. Metal-halide perovskites are […]

“Once-in-a-lifetime” cosmic explosion is likely this summer, NASA says

A rare eruption of light from a dead star will likely be visible to people on Earth this summer in a fleeting but potentially stark celestial display that scientists are calling “a once-in-a-lifetime event.” The technical term for the impending cosmic explosion is nova, which happens when a white dwarf lights up suddenly and often […]