Tag: corridor

Project aims to beautify major Hermitage city corridor

Jun. 22—HERMITAGE — City officials have a project planned that could beautify parts of state Route 18 while preparing for the nearby Hermitage town center project. The City Center Corridor Beautification Project calls for replacing the wide, concrete medians along state Route 18 with plantings, mulch, boulders and other features that will look more aesthetically […]

How the ‘Corridor of Death’ Saved the D-Day Invasion

Moissy is no more than a hamlet on a road to nowhere in Normandy. At a barely visible turn-off, easily overlooked, there’s a small hand-painted sign, dark blue lettering on the ground the color of dried blood, that reads: Août 1944, Couloir de la Mort. Corridor of Death? It’s only natural that this week, on […]